Following its local screening last June, the highly anticipated sequel ‘Let’s Eat Together Aki...
The beloved Cantonese BL series ‘I’m a Fool for You’ is back with its fourth season, set to premiere...
Ho Ho Ho… Merry Christmas! Curious about what’s coming this December? BLTai is here to ease your curiosity!...
Following its local screening last June, the highly anticipated sequel ‘Let’s...
The upcoming coming-of-age film, ‘At Least We Had This Moment’, has officially...
It seems we’re entering an era where BL and gay-themed reels dramas are thriving...
Get ready for an exciting year ahead as GMMTV reveals its 2025 slate of Boys’ Love...
It’s been over a month since it was announced that a new James Dean biopic is in...
Bloody what-ifs are revealed in the fourth and fifth episodes of ‘4MINUTES’! …...
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BL Recaps
Sweet Pleasures and Bitter Revelations in "4Minutes" Episode 3-4
What will happen to Tyme and Great? Let’s find out in the following episodes...
Action Intertwined With Romance Is Off The Charts In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 5 and 6!
The twists and turns that make up the wild story of ‘Kidnap’ are continuing in episodes...
Ransom, Romance, And Everything In Between Make For A Messy Mix In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 3-4!
‘Kidnap’ is continuing its exciting run with its story about unlikely love, complicated...
Newfound Opportunities and New Relationships Begin in ‘First Note of Love' Episodes 9 & 10
Now that Neil and Sea have confirmed their feelings for each other, will the rest...
Confessions and Uncertainties Arise in 'First Note of Love' Episodes 7 & 8
How will Neil help Sea get through his anxieties over starting a group with him?...
Hard Truths and Bloody What-Ifs are Revealed in '4Minutes' Episodes 5 & 6
Bloody what-ifs are revealed in the fourth and fifth episodes of ‘4MINUTES’! …...
Swept Away By The Waves of Love in 'Our Youth' Episodes 1 & 2
The story follows two immature high school boys who are complete opposites and have...
There Are Many Shades of Jealousy In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 9 and 10!
‘Kidnap’ is nearing its conclusion, but there’s still so much to unpack in these...
The Back And Forth Of A Complicated Romance Takes Center Stage in ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 7 and 8
Now more than halfway through the series, Min and Q’s romance has progressed, though...
Sweet Melody in Tune for the Last Two Episodes of 'First Note of Love'
Both couples have finally come to an understanding! But will they encounter problems...
Sweet Pleasures and Bitter Revelations in "4Minutes" Episode 3-4
What will happen to Tyme and Great? Let’s find out in the following episodes...
Action Intertwined With Romance Is Off The Charts In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 5 and 6!
The twists and turns that make up the wild story of ‘Kidnap’ are continuing in episodes...
Ransom, Romance, And Everything In Between Make For A Messy Mix In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 3-4!
‘Kidnap’ is continuing its exciting run with its story about unlikely love, complicated...
Newfound Opportunities and New Relationships Begin in ‘First Note of Love' Episodes 9 & 10
Now that Neil and Sea have confirmed their feelings for each other, will the rest...
Confessions and Uncertainties Arise in 'First Note of Love' Episodes 7 & 8
How will Neil help Sea get through his anxieties over starting a group with him?...
Hard Truths and Bloody What-Ifs are Revealed in '4Minutes' Episodes 5 & 6
Bloody what-ifs are revealed in the fourth and fifth episodes of ‘4MINUTES’! …...
Swept Away By The Waves of Love in 'Our Youth' Episodes 1 & 2
The story follows two immature high school boys who are complete opposites and have...
There Are Many Shades of Jealousy In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 9 and 10!
‘Kidnap’ is nearing its conclusion, but there’s still so much to unpack in these...
The Back And Forth Of A Complicated Romance Takes Center Stage in ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 7 and 8
Now more than halfway through the series, Min and Q’s romance has progressed, though...
Sweet Melody in Tune for the Last Two Episodes of 'First Note of Love'
Both couples have finally come to an understanding! But will they encounter problems...
WATCH: Love Blossoms in the Boxing Ring in ‘Knock Out the Series’ Pilot Trailer
Following the cast announcement, Dee Hup House, in collaboration with WeTV Thailand,...
WATCH: Death Brings Them Together in ‘Spare Me Your Mercy’ Official Trailer
The highly anticipated BL series ‘Spare Me Me Your Mercy’ from oneD Original is creating...
WATCH: Love Blossoms Beyond Friendship in ‘Friend to Fan’ Pilot Trailer
After introducing the cast and their characters, the production has now unveiled...
WATCH: Jeong Ri U and Choi Seung Jin Reprise Roles in Seoul Blues: Spin-Off, Premiering This November
The beloved ‘Seoul Blues’ universe is back with a heartwarming spin-off! …...
WATCH: Completely Love Struck, 'Go For It, Nakamura!' Reveals New Preview Video & Announces Main Cast
The voices of the main characters have officially been revealed! … HomeRead...
WATCH: 'The Renovation' Rebuilds A Heart and A Home In Its Official Trailer
The upcoming special BL project ‘The Renovation’ just dropped its official...
WATCH: FRT Entertainment Drops Official Teasers For 'Rearrange', 'Buy My Boss', and 'Shades'
FRT Entertainment just dropped the official teasers for its highly-anticipated lineup...
WATCH: Li Cheng Ran, Huang Wen Xuan Star in Short Drama ‘Be Moon’; Premieres December 6
Following the success international release of ‘Blue Canvas of Youthful Days’,...
WATCH: 'Thame-Po Heart That Skips a Beat' Promises A Story Of Love And Dreams In Its Official Trailer
WilliamEst’s upcoming BL series ‘Thame-Po Heart That Skips a Beat’...
LOOK: 'Spare Me Your Mercy' Unveils Cast and Characters Ahead of Premiere
Following the release of its official trailer, the highly anticipated oneD original...
WATCH: Love Blossoms in the Boxing Ring in ‘Knock Out the Series’ Pilot Trailer
Following the cast announcement, Dee Hup House, in collaboration with WeTV Thailand,...
WATCH: Death Brings Them Together in ‘Spare Me Your Mercy’ Official Trailer
The highly anticipated BL series ‘Spare Me Me Your Mercy’ from oneD Original is creating...
WATCH: Love Blossoms Beyond Friendship in ‘Friend to Fan’ Pilot Trailer
After introducing the cast and their characters, the production has now unveiled...
WATCH: Jeong Ri U and Choi Seung Jin Reprise Roles in Seoul Blues: Spin-Off, Premiering This November
The beloved ‘Seoul Blues’ universe is back with a heartwarming spin-off! …...
WATCH: Completely Love Struck, 'Go For It, Nakamura!' Reveals New Preview Video & Announces Main Cast
The voices of the main characters have officially been revealed! … HomeRead...
WATCH: 'The Renovation' Rebuilds A Heart and A Home In Its Official Trailer
The upcoming special BL project ‘The Renovation’ just dropped its official...
WATCH: FRT Entertainment Drops Official Teasers For 'Rearrange', 'Buy My Boss', and 'Shades'
FRT Entertainment just dropped the official teasers for its highly-anticipated lineup...
WATCH: Li Cheng Ran, Huang Wen Xuan Star in Short Drama ‘Be Moon’; Premieres December 6
Following the success international release of ‘Blue Canvas of Youthful Days’,...
WATCH: 'Thame-Po Heart That Skips a Beat' Promises A Story Of Love And Dreams In Its Official Trailer
WilliamEst’s upcoming BL series ‘Thame-Po Heart That Skips a Beat’...
LOOK: 'Spare Me Your Mercy' Unveils Cast and Characters Ahead of Premiere
Following the release of its official trailer, the highly anticipated oneD original...