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Feelings Get Stray After a Night Together in ‘Love is Like a Cat’ Episodes 7-8

As Uno anticipates, Dae Byeol forces him to work extremely hard on his first day at the dog cafe. Jun Hyuk, meanwhile, couldn’t help but draw a comparison between Uno and a certain person from Dae Byeol’s past. Check out this BLTai’s recap of ‘Love is Like a Cat‘ Episodes 7-8 to see what happens next in Uno’s journey at the dog cafe.

The Dreaded First Day at the Dog Cafe Arrives in ‘Love is Like a Cat’ Episodes 5–6

Dae Byeol adopts the dog that Uno saved and brought to the animal clinic, just as he finally agrees to have the dog cafe enlisted for the variety show, Doobi Doobi Jab. Meanwhile, Lady Luck doesn’t seem to be on Uno’s side, as he ends up with a job he tries to avoid the most: working in a dog cafe. Will Uno survive his first day peacefully when the owner of the dog cafe already has a negative impression of him? Let’s find out in BLTai’s recap of ‘Love is Like a Cat’ Episodes 5–6.

Hearts Find Their Perfect Tune in ‘Jazz for Two’ Season Finale

After realizing he has feelings for him, Se Heon kisses Tae Yi, hoping that Tae Yi will reciprocate. Joo Ha, on the other hand, is disturbed that Do Yoon has begun to avoid him, even though he was the one who gave the order in the first place. When the jazz comes to an end, will hearts beat to the same tune? In this BLTai recap of ‘Jazz For Two’, let’s find out!


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Feelings Get Stray After a Night Together in ‘Love is Like a Cat’ Episodes 7-8
As Uno anticipates, Dae Byeol forces him to work extremely hard on his first day...
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