What happens when eight charming contestants, each with their own unique charm, compete for the leading...
Fangs out! BL anime ‘Baban Baban Ban Vampire’ just released its highly-anticipated trailer! …...
‘Kidnap’ is continuing its exciting run with its story about unlikely love, complicated families, and...
What happens when eight charming contestants, each with their own unique charm, compete...
Curious about what’s coming in October? BLTai is here to ease your curiosity! Don’t...
On October 3, GagaOOLala, the global LGBTQ+ BL media hub, announced the upcoming...
The re-edited version of the drama ‘Perfect Propose‘ will be made into...
Hong Kong’s first-ever LGBTQ+ dating reality show, ‘Boyscation’, is back...
After revealing its lead cast, SiamSi Studio has finally dropped the official trailer...
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BL Recaps
Ransom, Romance, And Everything In Between Make For A Messy Mix In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 3-4!
‘Kidnap’ is continuing its exciting run with its story about unlikely love, complicated...
Newfound Opportunities and New Relationships Begin in ‘First Note of Love' Episodes 9 & 10
Now that Neil and Sea have confirmed their feelings for each other, will the rest...
Confessions and Uncertainties Arise in 'First Note of Love' Episodes 7 & 8
How will Neil help Sea get through his anxieties over starting a group with him?...
The Beginning is Hot, Spicy, and Dangerous in '4Minutes' Ep 1-2
In the first two episodes of the highly anticipated BL show ‘4Minutes’, time is reversed...
An Unexpected Romance Begins To Bloom Between A Kidnapper And His Victim In ‘Kidnap’ Episodes 1-2!
Ohm Pawat and Leng Thanapon’s new series ‘Kidnap’ has finally begun airing! Let’s...
Past, Present, & Future Collide in 'First Note of Love' Episodes 5 & 6
There’s a new (cute) guy in town! But will Orca’s appearance stir things...
Music & Melody Takes Centerstage in 'First Note of Love' Episodes 3 & 4
Will Neil finally get over his trauma to perform in front of people? And will Sea...
Fate & Chance Encounter Through Music in "First Note of Love" Episodes 1 & 2
What will happen if you finally get a chance to work with your (handsome) long-time...
Finding And Accepting Love Through Misunderstandings in the Final EP of 'At 2500, In Akasaka'
How will the story between Asami and Yuki end? Let’s find out in the last episode...
Putting Up and Breaking Down Walls in 'At 2500, In Akasaka' Episodes 8 & 9
Are things gonna be more complicated with all of the misunderstandings between Shirasaki...
WATCH: Taiwanese Drama 'See Your Love' Unveils Heartwarming 2-Minute Preview Ahead of Release
Following its release date announcement and official trailer, the upcoming Taiwanese...
WATCH: Experience Love Through the Flow of Time in ‘Reverse With Me’ Official Trailer
After revealing its lead cast, SiamSi Studio has finally dropped the official trailer...
WATCH: Selena Gomez's Trans Musical Film 'Emilia Perez' Drops Brand New Trailer
Selena Gomez’s trans musical film ‘Emilia Pérez’ just dropped another...
WATCH: Namtan Tinapree Plays Dual Role In The Trailer For GL Series 'Pluto' With Film Rachanun
GMMTV’s upcoming GL series just released its pilot trailer! … HomeRead More...
WATCH: Nam Yoon Su Looks For Eternal Love In 'Love In The Big City' Trailer
Hold on to your seats (and wigs) because the main trailer for Nam Yoon Su’s highly-anticipated...
WATCH: Exploring Love and Desire in ‘The Nipple Talk’ Official Trailer; Premieres November 1
Following the release of its official teaser, Sequoia Entertainment has unveiled...
WATCH: LGBTQ+ Dating Show ‘Boyscation Too’ Premieres October 7, Streaming on GagaOOLala from October 12
Hong Kong’s first-ever LGBTQ+ dating reality show, ‘Boyscation’, is back...
WATCH: Explore Forms of Love in ‘See Your Love’ Official Trailer
Following the announcement of its release date, the production has finally unveiled...
WATCH: ‘Miseinen ~Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu~’ Releases Fresh Video and Character Visual Teasers
Fresh video and character visual teasers have been released for the remake! …...
WATCH: 'Make Up Make Me Grow Up' Posters, Trailer Tells A Story Of First Love
Wayu Film Productions has finally released the teaser for its newest BL movie ‘Make...