The First Kiss Between the President and His Secretary Happens in ‘You Are Mine’ Episode 5

An injured Shun Yu wakes up in Shang Zhou’s bed following a case of mistaken identity kidnapping, where he was saved by the latter himself. But does a sprained ankle also come with being cuddled and kissed by the President? Check BLTai’s recap of ‘You Are Mine’ Episode 5 to find out.

Warning: Spoilers alert! Read at your own risk.

Shang Zhou is sleeping on top of Shun Yu when he wakes up, and he is surprised to discover that he is on the former’s bed. The now-awake Shang Zhou explains that Shun Yu became feverish and lost consciousness on the way back and that he also had a nightmare in the middle of the night, which is why he was pinned to prevent him from hurting himself unintentionally. Shun Yu apologizes profusely and makes a motion to leave Shang Zhou’s home, which he forbids him from doing.

Shang Zhou tells Shun Yu to stay the night, leaving the defenseless secretary with no choice since he thinks that calling the driver in the middle of the night will cause more problems for everyone. He also brings Shun Yu snacks to satisfy his hunger while keeping a close eye on him and even cleaning the food stains off his face, making the latter conscious of his presence. To Shun Yu’s surprise, Shang Zhou declines his offer to sleep in the living room and instead falls next to him on the bed. When he observes Shun Yu having trouble falling asleep, he even offers to read him a goodnight story. Finally mustering confidence, Shun Yu asks Shang Zhou how he managed to find him and expresses his gratitude for saving him. According to Shang Zhou, the company-issued phones feature a GPS tracker that allows him to keep track of his employees’ whereabouts. Shun Yu tries to convince him once again to dismiss the case against Han Si because he thinks the man isn’t really bad and is only desperate about his daughter’s welfare. He also claims that he is perfectly fine, but is shocked when Shang Zhou raises his voice to mention that he is hurt and that the stressful day has even given him nightmares. Before Shun Yu can even try to defend Han Si, Shang Zhou continues to say that he knows exactly how it feels to be abducted. He then speaks of being kidnapped as a child, and even though it is now in the past, he can’t seem to get the memories of the kidnapper out of his mind. The sound of their heels and the woman’s long nails grazing his face have given him nightmares and insomnia. Knowing what it’s like to be hopeless, Shang Zhou can’t bring himself to let the person who hurt Shun Yu go.

Meanwhile, Shun Yu realizes how deeply the kidnapping has scarred Shang Zhou and recognizes that the latter’s concern stems from the heart. He apologizes for making him worry and reminds him of his bad memories as he clasps their hands together. Understanding that he has been suffering alone, the innocent Shun Yu consoles him by saying that the two of them are now comrades because they have shared the same experience. He then complimented him on his good looks when he barged in and hit Han Si. Shang Zhou pushes him back to bed and orders him to sleep.


A sleepy Shun Yu cuddles into Shang Zhou and mumbles a promise to always be there when he needs him, even if he’s scary and unreasonable at times. Meanwhile, Shang Zhou thanks him and hugs him tightly. The next morning, Shun Yu awakens in Shang Zhou’s arms, their lips touching. On the other hand, Shang Zhou casually greets him, causing Shun Yu to pull away shyly. Flustered, Shun Yu attempts to get up in the guise of going to work, but Shang Zhou informs him that he has already informed Lisa that they will be arriving at the office in the afternoon instead. He asks to be taken back to his own home to get his work clothes, but Shang Zhou simply dismisses his request. Just then, the doorbell rings, and the driver is on the other side with a set of brand new, expensive suits in Shun Yu’s size following Shang Zhou’s order. However, knowing that his secretary is frugal, he also instructs the driver to remove the price tags before delivering them. While waiting for Shun Yu to finish taking a bath, Shang Zhou calls Vice President Lee to ask how to express gratitude to someone for whom you are grateful. Vice President Lee responds that giving gifts is a good start and wonders who the lucky person is. He also inquires if that person is from the company, deducing that it could be Shun Yu, but is abruptly cut off.

At the office, Shang Zhou follows Shun Yu, who is greeted as a hero by the secretaries. As Vice President Lee teases them, the secretaries give him a special award presented by Shang Zhou himself, complete with a welcoming banner and a sash. Vice President Lee also asks them to hug during the photo shoot. Shang Zhou then opens his arms and leaves Shun Yu with no choice but to hug him back as everyone is cheering for them. He even asks Sofia to take a photo of them together, eliciting more cheers from the audience.

Shun Yu is preparing to return home when he notices Shang Zhou and his driver waiting for him outside the building. He insists on going alone, but Shang Zhou dismisses his objection and informs him that he will be picked up and driven to the office by his driver beginning now. He is once again surprised when Shang Zhou offers to carry him to his building when they stop at his usual drop-off. He tries to refuse once more but gives in because the latter uses his usual bossy tone on him. On their way to his building, Shun Yu inquires whether the suit lent to him that morning is costly, to which Shang Zhou lies and tells him that it is an incorrectly sized suit he purchased for himself and is about to be thrown away.

Shang Zhou, who appears out of place in Shun Yu’s simple apartment, assists him in making tea while becoming conscious of the former’s presence. Shun Yu, sitting awkwardly in his own house, carefully observes Shang Zhou, who continues to stare at him. Shun Yu can’t help but recall all of his encounters with Shang Zhou, including the unintentional kiss they shared when they woke up. Shang Zhou notices he appears preoccupied and asks if anything is bothering him, to which he hesitates and asks if they are too close for a boss-and-secretary relationship. To Shun Yu’s surprise, Shang Zhou approaches him and asks if it’s not a good thing, then moves closer while prodding him if he doesn’t like it or is unwilling to be close. Shun Yu, stuttering, responds that he simply does not want people talking behind their backs. Rather than responding, Shang Zhou asks if it still matters when he’s fine with it. Shun Yu deflects his advances when he realizes that their faces are only a few centimeters apart from each other. Shang Zhou, on the other hand, begins to wonder if it’s too soon to move forward with their relationship. He casually changes the subject by asking Shun Yu to prepare instant noodles for him. As he tries to assist him again, Shun Yu, who is still embarrassed by their encounter, motions for him to return to the couch.

Shun Yu rushes to the bathroom to calm himself after feeling Shang Zhou’s heavy stare and compares his feeling to that of a mouse being stared at by a cat. On the other side of the door, Shang Zhou questions himself if Shun Yu was scared of him or if he took the wrong step earlier and crossed the line. He also considers whether he is being too straightforward and Shun Yu is simply slow to pick up on hints, or whether he is not being straightforward enough for the latter to understand his romantic intentions. Meanwhile, Shun Yu concludes that Shang Zhou is probably just messing with him and reminds himself not to take it seriously. Calmly, he opens the door to face Shang Zhou, only to find him waiting for him outside. Without a word, Shang Zhou pins him to the wall, their faces just a few centimeters apart.

Writer’s Thoughts

We’re already halfway through the series, and things are getting a lot more personal between the tyrant boss and his innocent secretary. So far, the show has shown consistency in how Shang Zhou’s character is built, from the very first episode where he appears to have taken an interest in his new secretary to the most recent episode where he begins to take action on it. Meanwhile, the recipient of his advances may need a little more time to realize that his boss is interested in him in an unprofessional way. On next week’s episode of ‘You Are Mine,’ we’ll see what happens next as the cat claims his innocent mouse.

Enjoy watching You Are Mine on a bigger screen because GagaOOLala is now available to watch on your Smart TVs by downloading the app on Google Play, Amazon Appstore, and Roku.



The President Becomes The Secretary’s Knight In Shining Armor in ‘You Are Mine’ Episode 4


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