Sparks Fly Through The Air Tonight In ‘Beats Per Minute’

Beats Per Minute

Taiwanese short film ‘Beats Per Minute’ tells the story of two boys who walk a very thin line between friendship and romance. They meet up for the first time in a while to catch up, though their nighttime journey through the city has the undeniable chemistry between them showing up when they least expect it. Keep reading to find out where this fateful night leads!

Beats Per Minute

The short film begins with Yong-Ning spending his night playing a crane arcade game alone. His attempt at winning a prize from the game is interrupted by a sudden phone call from his longtime friend Yi-Jie, whom he hasn’t seen in quite some time. Yi-Jie invites him to hang out. After some quick small talk, Yong-Ning agrees and leaves the arcade to meet up with his old friend.

The two friends end up playing badminton together at a court, using the sport as a backdrop to their conversation. Things start with Yong-Ning teasing Yi-Jie about the girls, asking whether Yi-Jie is eyeing someone new or is still hung up over the last girl he told Yong-Ning about. He replied that there was no new girl and it was still her. Unfortunately for him, though, she told him she was already dating someone. He follows this with a comment about her not posting her supposed boyfriend on social media, though whether there is another boy or the girl just made him up to convince Yi-Jie to give up on her, is left ambiguous. As the conversation continues, though, the game gets more intense, drawing their attention away from their chat and towards the match, with Yi-Jie even removing his hoodie before continuing. As Yi-Jie wins the game, he celebrates and thanks an imaginary applauding crowd. Yong-Ning teases him and they begin chasing each other around the court while giggling and getting lost in their world as the chemistry between them begins to tingle.

As Yi-Jie waits for Yong-Ning on his motorcycle, the latter comes back with a drink he bought and hands it to the former. Yi-Jie thanks him at first, but upon realizing that only one drink was bought, he offers the drink back to Yong-Ning. While they don’t make a big show out of it, the mutual concern they share is clear as day. Yong-Ning teases Yi-Jie a little by starting the motorcycle before he gets on before they head to their next destination.

Throughout the motorcycle ride through the streets, the two playfully bicker, with Yong-Ning complaining about the smell of Yi-Jie’s burp, which Yi-Jie argues he shouldn’t be able to smell due to the direction of the wind. The lighthearted argument then transitions to Yi-Jie complaining about their travel speed, with Yong-Ning replying that Yi-Jie’s fat ass was slowing them down. Yi-Jie jokes in return that Yong-Ning hasn’t even seen his real ass, which Yong-Ning mischievously laughs at, but refuses to reply when Yi-Jie asks him to elaborate. Yong-Ning dodges the topic by saying it’s dangerous to distract him while he drives the motorcycle and the two do end up having to slow down for their safety.


Watch ‘Beats Per Minute’ on GagaOOLala.

Beats Per Minute

After they get down from their ride, Yi-Jie notices Yong-Ning pointing his phone at the sky. When asked what he was doing, Yong-Ning explained that he was using a stargazing app to find constellations. He then tries to sneakily take a photo of Yi-Jie, but the other boy quickly spots this not-so-stealthy attempt. Yi-Jie tries to grab the phone to see the photo, but Yong-Ning continues to deny that he took one, resulting in more laughs shared between them as it feels like an invisible string is pulling the two together.

Yong-Ning then jokes that Yi-Jie prioritizes flirting with girls over his friends. Yi-Jie denies this before joking back that if Yong-Ning were a girl, they’d be dating. Yi-Jie even puts his arm around his friend and tries to get a pinky promise from him to simulate the date he joked about. As was said earlier, the line between friends and lovers for these two is paper thin.

With Yong-Ning still using the app to find constellations, Yi-Jie asks him what star signs were his type when it came to dating, though Yong-Ning replies that he can’t answer since he had never fallen for anyone before. Yi-Jie jokingly complains that he won’t be able to set Yong-Ning up with anyone if he doesn’t answer, but Yong-Ning insists he doesn’t have a type. The two continue to talk about what Yong-Ning’s type is, with Yi-Jie even laughing at his friend’s answer of “looks cool, but not the gangster type”.


A song then begins playing, which Yong-Ning begins to dance to. As the song builds up, Yi-Jie joins him, and it’s revealed that the song is one they both learned to dance along to before. As they take a dance down memory lane, Yong-Ning grabs one of their badminton rackets and inserts the plastic label in between the strings making up its net. He uses it for a graceful ribbon dance and gets lost in the moment before Yi-Jie reveals something that brings the music to a halt: his mom is sending him to Canada and he wants Yong-Ning to see him off.

The two sit together in silence for a while, taking turns using Yong-Ning’s vape. Yi-Jie reaches for Yong-Ning’s flashlight, which he accidentally shines in his eye for a moment before he shines it at the sky, looking around. While he looks at the stars, his friend looks at him longingly. They share a laugh before Yi-Jie suddenly gives Yong-Ning a surprise kiss on the cheek. There is another moment of silence as they struggle to find the right words. Yong-Ning takes a risk, though, and begins to bring his lips to Yi-Jie’s before things fade to black.

With this open ending, where do you think Yong-Ning and Yi-Jie’s romance will bring them, especially considering that Yi-Jie will be overseas soon? Did you enjoy ‘Beats Per Minute’? Let us know in the comments below! 




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