There will be more Taishin and Takara in the spin-off episode next week!
Minta Suzumaru’s ‘Takara no Vidro’ (official English title ‘Takara’s Treasure‘) follows Taishin, who moves to Tokyo from Fukuoka to reunite with Takara, a stranger who had previously consoled him. Despite Taishin’s attempts to express gratitude, Takara initially ignores him. Undeterred, Taishin continues pursuing Takara, who becomes increasingly captivated by Taishin’s earnest approach. The series starts Iwase Yoji and Konishi Eito as Takara and Taishin, respectively.
The series seemingly completed with 10 episodes this week, but the official account of the series has made a surprise announcement that there will be a spin-off as the last episode of the series. The spin-off episode “Taishin Turns 20” features Taishin’s second summer in Tokyo. Taishin and Yui, the new head of the mountaineering club, instruct new students while welcoming returning friends Takara, Minami, and Akira. Taishin is excited to reunite with Takara. As they leave the club room together, Yui watches their interaction with keen interest. Reuniting after three weeks, Taishin and Takara celebrate Taishin’s 20th birthday with homemade roast beef and beer. After getting drunk on his first drink, Taishin makes a bold move.
\\#ドラマたかびいロス の皆様に朗報✨なんと来週は‼︎
— ドラマ『タカラのびいどろ』【公式】7/1より配信・放送中! (@takara_no_vidro) September 2, 2024