Last week’s pilot episode of the latest Japanese BL drama airing on GagaOOLala introduced Yoh Tanada, a struggling erotic manga artist, and housemate Mizuki Segasaki, a popular and attractive meteorologist. Although it appears to be a regular housemate situation, the two are bound by a contractual agreement that includes doing ‘it’ only before a sunny day. Find out what happens next in ‘My Personal Weatherman’ Episode 2.
Warning: Spoiler alert! Read at your own risk.
Episode 2.
Following the news that the rainy season has begun, Yoh believes that there may still be sunny days in between, or Mizuki will break his own rules and touch him. He says that if it happens, there is nothing he can do.
Meanwhile, Mizuki’s weather forecaster partner announces her departure from the show. Yoh forgets that Mizuki asked him not to cook dinner one night because he would be working late. Despite his complaints about Yoh forgetting, Mizuki still ate the dinner he prepared and even ordered him to feed himself, making Yoh wonder why the meteorologist would overeat. After, Yoh finds a tired Mizuki sleeping on the couch and wakes him up to ask him to move to his bedroom; before leaving, Mizuki tells him he’ll be late again the next day.
Yoh watches Mizuki interacting with the new weather forecaster, Hiyoshi Aika, a young woman who appears to always be wearing open-chested clothes, which even Man-san, his friend, has complained about. Mizuki, on the other hand, begins to arrive home later and later as the rainy season progresses, and, unfortunately for Yoh, Mizuki appears to be sticking to his rules. Yoh cringes when he considers making a teru teru bozu, a tissue or white cloth doll hung on windows to wish for sunny weather. On Everyday Weather, Yoh sees Mizuki smiling brightly at Aika and gets annoyed.
Mizuki’s coworkers invite him to a welcome dinner for Aika during the one time he can leave work early, which he declines. It turns out that he is staying late at work because he is learning how to use their new weather system to get more accurate forecasts. This led his coworkers to believe he had someone waiting for him at home, which caused Aika to frown. When Mizuki returns home, he finds a drunk Yoh in a post-jerk-off position and approaches him. He complains about holding back before leaning in for a kiss but is pushed away by Yoh, who shouts that he is tired. An inebriated Yoh exclaims that a successful manga artist said that drawing while masturbating will produce good ideas, but Mizuki thinks otherwise. As Mizuki cleans the room, Yoh continues to blab about creating a super-erotic manga that will earn him money and allow him to leave immediately. Mizuki aggressively pulls Yoh into him when he hears it, but he is pushed away once again. Yoh looks him in the eyes and tells him not to touch him casually when he doesn’t even have feelings for him, and that he should just do ‘it’ with Aika if he really needs to.