Our Time Together Begins in ‘I Feel You Linger in the Air’ Episode 6

Yai’s invitation to a Christmas party initiates a shift in their relationship, fueled by Yai’s feelings of jealousy.

Following the revelation that the sketches align with Jom’s experiences, will Yai’s invitation to the Christmas event mark the beginning of a significant chapter in their relationship? Can they both find the courage to express their genuine feelings for each other?


WARNING: SPOILER AHEAD. Read at your own risk! 


(Image: DeeHupHouse | Twitter)

Yai invites Jom to join the Christmas celebration, and they step into a room filled with festive decorations. Once in their seats, Yai, noticing Jom’s fascination, asks if he likes the place. Jom expresses his excitement at the chance of spending Christmas there. Yai shares that it’s the Puttyuban Bar, his favorite place and a recent discovery due to its secretive nature. Jom assumes that Yai might be fond of drinking, which surprises him as Yai had previously mentioned his moderation in drinking. Yai clarifies his preference for sobriety, reminding Jom of what he told him before, confusing Jom who thought Yai did not remember what happened that night. Changing the topic, Yai mentions having ordered a drink, and the arrival of someone dressed as Santa Claus, adds a festive touch to the ambiance. Yai requests Jom to wait for him and suggests that he could order some food if he feels hungry, explaining that he’ll need to step out briefly to attend to a matter. Yai approaches James, asking why a foreigner who holds respect among the lumber traders would engage in such a seemingly undignified act of dressing up. James avoids the question, suggesting that Yai may have been influenced by his father’s way of thinking after following him for too long. He clarifies that he was simply enjoying himself for a change, encouraging Yai to give it a try sometime. Once seated, Yai cuts to the chase, seeking updates on the investigation he had asked James to take. James reports that he successfully gained access to a friend’s case file from the department concerning the fire incident at Kad six months ago. While the case was officially closed as an accident, his friend discovered evidence of arson that had been kept off the records. The officers who had discovered this information were abruptly transferred to other government offices, making it suspicious. Yai asks about any connections to his brother-in-law. Robert informs him that, at present, there is no direct link, aside from the fact that the man’s new wife was affected by the fire. He adds that as land prices continue to rise, some individuals might view this as an opportunity to forcibly evict others from the area. Yai contemplates the newly acquired information, momentarily lost in his thoughts until James calls out to him to snap him out of his thoughts. Yai thanks James for the information and requests that the investigation be continued, asking to be informed once he has updates. Before parting ways, James brings up the exchange. Yai expresses his willingness to consider it, to which James clarifies that the matter isn’t about him but concerns his close friends. 

(Image: DeeHupHouse | Twitter)

As Jom patiently waits at the table, pouring himself a drink, someone in a Santa costume joins him. As this person begins to remove their costume, Jom recalls the time in the future when he opened a box filled with sketches, one of which is of the person now sitting before him. James notices Jom’s reaction and asks if he’s uncomfortable with him being there. Jom assures him it’s okay, surprised by James’ choice of outfit but James explains he’s just having fun at a familiar and safe place. Jom mentions it’s his first time at the bar, having been brought there by Yai. As music fills the air, someone named Nuey, known as the “green queen” for their love of green and feminine style, takes the stage and impresses Jom with their dance. Robert shares with Jom that Nuey’s journey to this point was marked by challenges and being seen as an outcast before discovering the bar. He emphasizes how this place holds special significance for many like Nuey. Jom agrees, acknowledging that repressed feelings and hidden struggles like those are not strange at all. Yai meets someone on the staircase who hands him a small red box as requested. He returns to find James and Jom having a conversation at their table. Yai discreetly hides the box in his coat and thanks James for keeping Jom company. He mentions that it’s time for him to eat, and James puts on his costume again before leaving. Once they’re alone, Yai asks Jom what they talked about, and Jom says it was mostly casual talk with nothing important. Yai pours a huge amount of alcohol into his glass, surprising Jom. Yai starts drinking heavily, and when Jom asks him what’s wrong, Yai insists that nothing is wrong. Back at the Palathip house, Jom is sketching James in his Santa Claus costume outside, creating an identical sketch to the one he saw in the future. Frustrated by the lack of unusual events, he lightly hits his head on the table. Unbeknownst to him, the lights in the house start flickering. Suddenly, he hears noises from inside and turns to see the doors of the house closing on their own. After a moment, he observes himself from the future stepping outside and bidding farewell to the workers and Uncle Tan. He rushes into the house, following his future self to a room where he opens a storage box and retrieves what looks like a pocket watch. He calls out to his future self, but when the future version turns around, there’s no one there. His future version decides to take a photo with his phone and to his surprise, the photo shows a shadow-like figure that isn’t visible in reality. This reminds him of the time he saw a similar figure in a photo of the house before. 

(Image: DeeHupHouse | Twitter)

He follows his future self outside, where Yai follows, concerned and asking what’s wrong. Jom explains that it was just a dream but Yai presses for more details. Jom struggles to explain, feeling unable to describe the experience of dreaming of being in the house but not in the current timeline. Yai suggests that Jom should sleep in his room to ensure his safety in case of sleepwalking. Jom hesitates but Yai clarifies that they won’t necessarily be sleeping in one bed. As they discuss this, Jom asks Yai about his conversation with James and Yai downplays it, stating that it was related to his brother-in-law. He then asks to see Jom’s drawing, but Jom claims it’s not finished and not particularly good. Yai, in a slightly sulky tone, dismisses it and urges Jom to go to bed since it’s late. The following morning, Jom and Ming are walking together when Ming starts sharing the problem he faces with Jeed. However, Jom is lost in thought and doesn’t pay much attention until Ming touches him, which startles him. Ming expresses his frustration, noting that he began talking back at the start of the market and now they’ve reached the end. Jom explains that he was thinking about something and asks if they might face punishment for failing to train the piglet for the foreign master. Ming reassures Jom, saying he won’t be punished because he has a powerful amulet given to him by Fong Kaew. He mentions that Fong Kaew has now become the foreign master’s favorite wife. Just as they are discussing this, Fong Kaew arrives, looking for Jom and asking for a private conversation. Back at the Palathip house, Yai enters Jom’s room to look at his sketches. He discovers the sketch of James wearing the Santa costume, hidden in a drawer. As he gazes at the drawing, memories of James and Jom at the Christmas event come up. Yai’s expression turns somber, and he quietly exits the room. Fong Kaew and Jom visit her home, where they receive a warm welcome from Fong Kaew’s mother. Jom introduces himself as Fong Kaew’s friend, and her mother appreciates his kindness. Fong Kaew offers Jom water and shares that they moved there after the fire, where her mother was severely burned, and her father died. But not long after rejecting Robert’s marriage offer, their house burned down. Fong Kaew thanks Jom for his letter and hopes he can understand her. Jom mentions that Yai also has doubts. That night, Fong Kaew sneaks into Robert’s study, searching for evidence. She discovers something intriguing in a notebook, which brings a smile to her face. Later, when Robert enters the room with a headache, she pretends to clean and offers to help him feel better. 

(Image: DeeHupHouse | Twitter)

Jom enters Yai’s room to wake him up, but he’s surprised when Yai comes out of the room, claiming that he’s a lone wolf who can manage on his own. Jom agrees and proceeds to tidy up the room but to his surprise, Yai has already taken care of it. Yai instructs Jom to attend to his tasks and leaves. In the afternoon, Jom brings Yai some snacks in his study, but Yai informs him of his plans to go out and requests that Jom prepare his tennis clothes. Jom hesitates and asks if Yai is upset with him. Yai suddenly corners Jom, guiding him backward to a pillar, and questions if Jom truly comprehends his feelings and if his actions have not touched his heart. He contemplates whether expressing himself through a long poem might help him understand. After Yai leaves, Jom lets out the breath he has been holding. In the kitchen, he expresses his frustration, stating that he won’t understand Yai’s intentions unless Yai tells him. His thoughts turn to Prik, who has been caring for Yai since he was a child. He asks Prik about Yai’s favorite food, and together they prepare the dessert that Yai has liked since childhood. Yai, deep in thought in the living room, reflects on his recent conversation with James during their tennis practice. James had warned him that his feelings for Jom weren’t much different from James’ feelings. He learns that James confessed his feelings to Jom but got rejected because Jom already has someone he likes and this revelation deeply troubles Yai. Jom enters the room with a smile, offering Yai his favorite dessert, muscats, which he learned about from Prik. Yai responds with a soft thank you, and Jom, sensing his mood, kindly asks Yai not to be angry because it makes him feel bad as well. Yai closes his book and admits that it’s not Jom’s fault but his own. He mentions the sketch of James in Jom’s room, revealing that he had entered Jom’s room because he felt Jom hadn’t been honest with him. He also reveals that he knows about James’s confession and explains that anything related to Jom concerns him now, finally confessing his feelings for Jom after much contemplation. Alone in his room, Jom sits down and places his hands on his face, taken aback by the sudden confession. He takes out the sketch of Yai on his bed from his drawer and stares at it, making him think back to the time when he looked at the picture frame of Yai and his parents hung on the house wall.

(Image: DeeHupHouse | Twitter)

At night, after Jom finishes preparing the room for Yai’s sleep, he plans to leave straight away. Yai stops him and asks if his recent confession has made Jom uncomfortable and that he will not persist if Jom hates him. Jom assures Yai that it’s not about discomfort but rather concern about potential future issues with his parents, and the society if they get into a relationship. He suggests Yai reconsider, but Yai is determined to endure any challenges, fearing the loss of Jom would break his heart. Holding Jom’s hand, Yai asks if he wants to be lovers and if he truly wants to be together. Remembering James’ advice about expressing his feelings and appreciating Yai’s straightforwardness, Jom nods, accepting Yai’s proposal. Yai embraces Jom in happiness and leads him to sit on the bed, ready to give him the Christmas gift he had prepared. Inside the red box is a pocket watch (the same his future version grabbed from the box), symbolizing the start of their time together. Jom surprises Yai by giving him a sketch of himself in bed as a gift, eliminating Yai’s belief that there was only a sketch of James, bringing extreme joy to him. Jom admits that he was going to keep it for himself at first. Yai draws closer, his fingers gently tracing Jom’s neck as he questions himself why he likes him so much. Jom playfully teases him for his sweet words, prompting Yai to ask if he’s tasted that sweetness. Jom claims he will now, leaning in to share a kiss with Yai who catches his lips again in another tender kiss. Their lips part and Yai asks if it is sweet, to which Jom nods in agreement. Yai then suggests that Jom stay the night, assuring him that he only wants his back scratched and nothing more. They sleep together, with Yai embracing Jom from behind and planting a loving kiss on the back of his head.

Despite their worries about the challenges that lie ahead, Yai and Jom have taken the step to become a couple and shared their sweet first kiss. As they start this new chapter together, many questions remain. Are the strange occurrences Jom is experiencing happening at the same time in the future? Given the difference in their social status, the two will likely encounter problems. How will they overcome these obstacles that lie ahead?


Watch Jom and Yai’s magical love story in ‘I Feel You Linger in the Air’ UNCUT VERSION on GagaOOLala — now available to watch on your smart TVs! Enjoy watching your favorite series on a bigger screen by downloading it on Google Play, Amazon AppStore, or Roku.



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