The story of Shiro and Kenji, with their bittersweet yet heartwarming daily life and meals, resumes on October 6th!
‘What Did You Eat Yesterday?’ is a slice-of-life Japanese drama adapted from a manga series of the same name. It revolves around the life and relationship of Shiro Kakei and Kenji Yabuki, a middle-aged gay couple residing in Tokyo, Japan. The series stars Hidetoshi Nishijima as Shiro Kakei and Seiyo Uchino as Kenji Yabuki, with the regular cast members also returning. It has been announced that the long-awaited sequel will be premiering on October 6! The official poster showcasing the possibility of more delectable meals to come in the second season of ‘What Did You Eat Yesterday?’ has also been unveiled.
Furthermore, the movie sequel of ‘What Did You Eat Yesterday?’ will be aired on various stations on October 1st to celebrate the second season’s broadcast.