‘First Love Again’ Proves First Love Never Dies EPs 4-6

Will the 300 years of waiting for his first love end in this third life of theirs? Let’s find out in the last three episodes of First Love Again.

After their disappointment in Yeon Seok Ha Yeon being a man in their third life, he pushes Ha Yeon away but at the end of the day, his heart can no longer deny the feelings he has for his first love.

Warning! Spoilers alert. Read at your own risk.

Episode 4. 

Ha Yeon is crying at the beginning of the fourth episode as she is walking down the street and thinking back to everything Yeon Seok said. Yeon Seok pursued him and abruptly gave Ha Yeon a kiss. After Yeon Seok apologises for what he did, Ha Yeon becomes upset and leaves. Despite his attempts to do so, Jin Hyeok stopped him. Although Yeon Seok strives to finish his novel, Ha Yeon and Jin Hyeok enjoyed a drink at a pub. The following morning, Yeon Seok’s apartment doorbell rang. He mistook it for Ha Yeon, but it turned out to be a delivery package. The second time the doorbell rang, it was finally Ha Yeon.

(Image: GagaOOLala)

After entering Yeon Seok’s apartment, Ha Yeon immediately does his work without saying anything. To cut the awkwardness, Yeon Seok gave him water and sat beside him. Yeon Seok asks if he can ask something to him and the latter says yes. Ha Yeon was talking about work when Yeon Seok interrupted him. When Ha Yeon is going back to the office, the latter offers him a ride. At the office, Yeon Seok immediately talks to Mikael. He apologizes for what he has said to her. Mikael gave him an errand so that he can stay with Ha Yeon the whole day. And it turns out that it was also Yeon Seok’s birthday that day.

The two left the office together and Ha Yeon bid goodbye. But before he could leave, Yeon Seok told him that he would use the wish card that was given to him after he took his drink at their team dinner. When Ha Yeon asks what’s his wish, the latter says that he just wanted him to stay beside him. The two went to tteokbokki restaurant and started a conversation. Yeon Seok says that he was surprised that a chaebol’s 2nd generation is eating tteokbokki. Ha Yeon says he just enjoys that kind of food. Yeon Seok asks about Jin Hyeok and the latter says that he is his friend and they lived together in the Us before. Ha Yeon asks him if it was okay for him to celebrate his birthday with him and the latter says that he has no family or a friend to celebrate with. When Ha Yeon bids goodbye, Yeon Seok stops him and says that the 24 hours are not yet finished. They continue drinking at Yeon Seok’s apartment.

While drinking, Ha Yeon receives a call from Jin Hyeok. Yeon Seok asks why he is calling him every time and the latter says that maybe he has no friends, and that’s why he is jealous. Ha Yeon also says that he didn’t befriend someone he had kissed. Yeon Seok finally admits that he likes Ha Yeon. He apologized for everything he had done and said to him. Ha Yeon also admits that he endured everything because he loves him. And before the night ends, Yeon Seok hugs Ha Yeon from behind and tells him he loves him. The next day, Ha Yeon wakes up from Yeon Seok’s kisses. They had breakfast together and worked together in Yeon Seok’s apartment. Yeon Seok gave him a necklace and the two shared a kiss. Yeon Seok walked him home and while hugging each other they heard Ha Jin’s voice behind them.


Binge-watch ‘First Love Again’ on GagaOOLala.





Episode 5.

After hearing Ha Jin’s voice, they found her behind them with Jin Hyeok. Ha Jin invited Yeon Seok to their apartment to have some snacks. Ha Jin confronted Ha Yeon in his room saying that it’s better if he will have a relationship with Jin Hyeok and that their father should not find out about Yeon Seok. Jin Hyeok and Yeon Seok had a heated argument in the living room. Yeon Seok said that he will not let go of Ha Yeon no matter what happens. Little did they know that the siblings were listening to them. The two men had a beer competition and both got knocked out after 4 cans of beer.

The next morning, Ha Yeon cooked breakfast for Yeon Seok. Yeon Seok personally came to the office to submit the final manuscript of his novel. He also changed it to a happy ending. Though his staff knows Yeon Seok doesn’t party, they still planned a celebration. While walking in a park, Ha Yeon tells Yeon Seok that he wants their relationship to be a secret. Yeon Seok agrees but he also told him about his jealousy of Jin Hyeok. But the latter assures him that he is the only one he likes.

At the cafe, the two of them start to get to know each other. Yeon Seok is listing down all the things about Ha Yeon. When Yeon Seok asks Ha Yeon what book is his favorite, the latter says that his favorite is the book written by him. Yeon Seok accidentally spills that the book is about him but the latter didn’t believe him and suddenly, Yeon Seok admits to him that he is his first love. The next morning, Ha Yeon was looking at some photos in Yeon Seok’s house when he saw Yeon Seok’s picture with his sister Ha Jin taken many years ago. And all of a sudden he remembered something he didn’t know and decided to leave his house.

Yeon Seok saw the photo frame on the floor and followed Ha Yeon. He looked for him everywhere and tried to call him. But he was late. He saw Jin Hyeok hugging and comforting Ha Yeon at the park.


Episode 6: Finale.

In the last episode, Yeon Seok runs toward them and tried to explain everything but Ha Yeon says that he is not in love with him. He was in love with the girl in his past lives. Ha Yeon goes back to their office and throws Yeon Seok’s book away. The next morning, Yeon Seok called Mikael and ask why Ha Yeon didn’t come to his house, Mikael says that their project has ended and the latter will be in the office to work again. Mikael felt something strange so she asked if something happened. When Yeon Seok drops the call, Mikael saw Ha Yeon’s resignation letter on her table.

Mikael went to Yeon Seok’s apartment and handed him Ha Yeon’s resignation letter. Yeon Seok told her what happened to them. He also told her that he feels selfish because he thought that all Ha Yeon in his lives are the same. Mikael also asks him who he likes right now. The latter answers that he likes the Ha Yeon who cries and smiles beautifully. The Ha Yeon who is a man. Jin Hyeok visited Ha Yeon and asks him to go back to the US with him but the latter didn’t give an answer. In the office, Ha Jin saw his brother in his new look. Ha Yeon is wearing a suit that makes him look like a chaebol’s son.

Mikael calls Yeon Seok telling him that he found Ha Yeon. The latter immediately went to their office where he unexpectedly met Jin Hyeok. He told him that he will go back to the US with Ha Yeon to live there for a while. He also told him that he will ask Ha Yeon out and he should go because it will be uncomfortable for Ha Yeon to see him there so Yeon Seok walks away. One month later, Yeon Seok has another tv guesting appearance as a writer. After giving love advice to the fans, he cried when he suddenly saw David’s name on the people who are watching.

He remembers receiving a phone call and the person on the other line told him that Ha Yeon is leaving and he needs to go to him soon. When he arrived he saw Ha Yeon and Jin Hyeok with their luggage. He immediately run towards them and told Ha Yeon that the one he loves is Ha Yeon in the present. Jin Hyeok interrupted them and told Ha Yeon that he will see him in his next tournament. That’s when Yeon Seok realizes that Ha Yeon is not leaving with Jin Hyeok. Ha Yeon asks him if came to say all those things and the latter said yes. The two said ‘I love You’ to each other and ended the series with a kiss.

‘First Love, Again’ is a light romance drama that gave us a vibe of a long-lost love found in the future. The series made us believe that no matter how many years have passed or what gender it is, we can never forget our First Love.


Binge-watch ‘First Love Again’ on GagaOOLala.








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