The Melody of an Unfortunate First Encounter Opens in ‘Jazz for Two’ Episodes 1-2

The latest Korean BL web drama adaptation has finally arrived in GagaOOLala! From the same producer of ‘A Shoulder to Cry On’, this eight-episode series stars rookie actors Ji Ho Geun and Jin Kwon alongside Kim Jeong Hwan and, believe it or not, also from Omega X, member Hangyeom. 

Based on the web drama with the same name, ‘Jazz for Two’ tells the story of a budding piano artist who has always wanted to set himself apart from his family of classical music geniuses and a trumpet major who has started to hate piano due to a traumatic memory from the past. Together, in a series of unfortunate and hateful encounters, they begin to create music that they have never played before. In this BLTai recap, find out what transpires in the pilot episodes of ‘Jazz for Two

Warning: Spoilers alert. Read at your own risk. 

Episode 1: Summer Time

Running his fingers on an old piano in an abandoned practice room at their school, Se Heon remembers crying while sitting on the stairs with the heavy rain pouring on him. A hand holds out an umbrella to cover him, and he finds his classmate, Tae Yi, looking at him worriedly. Tae Yi asks him why he is there, and Se Heon answers that he no longer has any place to go to. Tae Yi helps Se Heon walk on the pavement as he covers them both with his umbrella. When Se Heon accidentally trips, Tae Yi holds the back of his waist immediately to help him up, resulting in them facing each other with just a few inches in between. As the rain pours on them continuously, Tae Yi cages Se Heon’s face with his hands and kisses him.

Se Heon practices playing the piano as he uses his music sheet to guide him. Behind him and reading a book is his father, who is a renowned music professor at a famous university majoring in classical piano. Around their luxurious home is a row of certificates in recognition not only of his father’s expertise but also of his brother’s natural talent for playing the piano as well. Despite his life being made up of just eating, practicing, and homeschooling, Se Heon knows that he is considered a mutant in their musically genius family. After he hits the last note, his father calls him out for looking at his music sheet despite having played the same piece multiple times already. As his father continues to express his disappointment in him, Se Jin arrives, and his father’s mood changes instantly. After Se Jin resorts to his bedroom, Se Heon’s father tells him to observe how the people in his new school play the piano and reminds him to continue practicing or else he will fall behind. What his father doesn’t know is that Se Heon is excited to be in a real school, not because it is the first time but because he knows he can play any kind of music there and also take a break from the routine that was insisted on by him. Inside his bedroom, he excitedly watches the Hanson Jazz Band and imagines himself playing jazz on the piano like the artist. Se Jin interrupts his trance about becoming the first jazz pianist by entering the room, carrying a box filled with his notes and compositions. Se Heon asks Se Jin if his plans to go out of the country are going well, but he only gets a shrug from the latter and words to not let their father know about his interest in jazz music. 

The following day, Tae Yi wakes up and prepares to go to school, Wooyeon Arts School, monotonously. Before leaving home, he receives a reminder from his uncle about their plans that afternoon, although he does not reply. Meanwhile, as Se Jin has expected, Se Heon finds himself losing his way on his first day. He bumps into a handsome man whose companion, an equally handsome man as well, arrives and helps him find his way. He thanks them for helping out before he goes on his way. The two handsome men who helped him started bickering at each other, bumping into a cute guy like Se Heon. On the other hand, Tae Yi’s friend, Do Yoon, a blue-haired drummer, catches up to him and asks him what he wants for his birthday, which turns out to be happening the next day. While Do Yoon is used to Tae Yi’s broody mood, he still teases him about it until they see their senior student, Joo Ha, who was recently suspended, standing around the walkway. Joo Ha approaches them and ignores Do Yoon; instead, he talks rudely to Tae Yi about how he is annoyed that his younger sister likes him romantically. Do Yoon tries to get in between as tension arises to avoid a fight from coming, but Joo Ha just orders them to go out of his sight after he says mocking words towards Tae Yi. 

On the other side of the building, Se Heon, who just got his books and uniforms, bumps into a female student who was carrying a small gift in her hand. The female student calls out Se Heon, whom she taught, as an outsider. Se Heon decides to roam around in the meantime and look for the piano room to practice. He once again loses his way and ends up in the old building of the school, where he hears a piano playing and follows the sound. He ends up in a secluded practice room where an old piano stands in the middle and takes the seat to play it. Meanwhile, Tae Yi, who is napping outside the very same building, wakes up to the sound of the piano, which reminds him of watching his brother, Tae Joon, play for him. Tae Yi rushes to the practice room and initially sees Tae Joon playing the piano and becomes endeared; however, the fondness immediately dies after he realizes that it is a complete stranger. Tae Yi questions the stranger, who turns out to be Se Heon, and pushes him off of the piano. Se Heon tries to explain that he isn’t an outsider, but Tae Yi interrupts him and orders him never to play in that room or on that piano again. He sternly instructs Se Heon to get out of his way. Later that day, Tae Yi meets his uncle, who then drives him to a cemetery, where they drop flowers for Tae Joon. Uncle tells Tae Joon’s grave that Tae Yi still needs time to adjust before he promises to come back next year. On the other hand, Se Heon is unable to forget his encounter with Tae Yi and is frustrated at how pushy he acted in front of him. In another dream, Tae Yi watches Tae Joon play the piano and complains about how he is playing the same song all over again. Tae Joon simply answers that he loves the song so much that he’d die for it. Tae Yi wakes up and grabs his now-empty bottle of sleeping pills. He decides to run in the middle of the night to distract himself from how the memories he tries so hard to forget start resurfacing again after hearing the guy from the afternoon. He convinces himself that he will never encounter that person again.

The following day, Se Heon officially joins his class, where he excitedly introduces himself as the transferee until his eyes meet the eyes of the person with whom he had an unfortunate encounter the day before, Tae Yi.


Episode 2. My Foolish Heart

Se Heon is unable to stop himself from returning to the practice room to play the piano early in the morning before he joins his first class, where he finds the very same person who treated him rudely, Tae Yi. He is then instructed to sit by Do Yoon, who notices his curious stare at Tae Yi. Meanwhile, Joo Ha finds his sister, Joo Hee, meticulously wrapping a gift that she tries to hide from him. He guesses that it’s a birthday gift for Tae Yi, but Joo Hee refuses to answer and walks away from him. 

Later that day, Do Yoon gives Se Heon an official tour of the school, and the latter curiously asks where the piano room is. To Se Heon’s surprise, the practice room is different from the one he used the day before. Do Yoon realizes that Se Heon must have been lost and ends up in the old school building, where the piano room is described as haunted with rumors that people have heard someone playing it but find no one inside the room. Se Heon becomes scared as he remembers hearing piano sounds and following them, but Do Yoon tells him that it might have come from the new building. Do Yoon adds that no one really uses it and only stops talking when Tae Yi arrives inside the classroom, observing that Se Heon’s eyes automatically follow the latter. Do Yoon informs Se Heon that Tae Yi is his boyfriend, but quickly corrects him by referring to him as a boyfriend when Se Heon appears shocked. Se Heon is surprised to find out that Tae Yi is a trumpet major, making him wonder why he seems to be so against him playing the old piano. He ends up confessing that he likes jazz, which he didn’t notice was overheard by Tae Yi. After eating alone in the canteen due to not having made any friends yet, Se Heon seeks out the new building’s piano room but finds out that it’s fully booked until the following month, prompting him to make plans to go to the old building after school. Meanwhile, on their way home, Tae Yi sees Joo Hee waiting for them and avoids her by going to the old building instead. He didn’t notice Joo Ha following him after he saw him avoid his younger sister. Back in the old building, Se Heon begins to play a jazz piece and is rudely interrupted again by Tae Yi, who tells him that he is hardheaded for not following his order to stay away. Tae Yi occupies the vacant part of the seat and calls Se Heon a sewer rat for being sneaky and returning to the piano room despite his warnings. Crossed by Tae Yi’s words, Se Heon questions him for not letting him use the room, but the former just slams the piano on him. Tae Yi asks Se Heon if he needs to break the piano in order for him to stop coming, or if he should break his wrists instead as he grips his collars. Se Heon tries to fight off and screams that he will play the piano even if he has to die, harshly reminding Tae Yi of his late brother’s very own words. Too stunned to move, Tae Yi accidentally lets go of his hold on Se Heon, who takes it as an opportunity to run but accidentally trips on the floor. Tae Yi immediately grabs Se Heon’s waist and spins him around, resulting in the two of them falling on the floor, with Se Heon on top of him. As the two stare at each other awkwardly, Tae Yi turns them around and pins Se Heon on the floor, but they are interrupted when Joo Ha arrives and asks them what they are doing with malice in his voice. Se Heon explains their argument, including Tae Yi shoving him, which ended with them falling to the floor. Joo Ha makes fun of the situation and mocks Tae Yi before asking Se Heon to leave the room. Joo Ha is annoyed that Tae Yi avoided Joo Hee and threatens to do something bad if he hears his sister cry about him again. Before Tae Yi leaves the room, Joo Ha says that Se Heon is interesting, and it seems his return to school will not be as boring as he expected. 

Se Jin finds Se Heon wrapping his wounds with a bandage and instantly becomes worried, although the latter lies about the nature of the injury and even mentions his “popularity” at school. Se Jin, taking over the bandage wrapping, reminds Se Heon that spending time with friends means forfeiting practice time. He also adds that one has to lose something if he wants something. While looking at his bandaged wrists, Se Heon is unable to remove the look of pain in Tae Yi’s eyes from their latest encounter on his mind. Joo Ha plays around Do Yoon during a friendly basketball match the following day. Do Yoon tries to remain calm until Joo Ha violently shoves him around. As he prepares to make a free throw, he notices Joo Ha subtly stealing a glance at him. Meanwhile, Se Heon decides to confront Tae Yi and asks if they can talk privately. Tae Yi notices the bandaged wrist as Se Heon declares that he will not stop going back to the piano room. To Se Heon’s surprise, Tae Yi just shrugs and answers that he can do whatever he wants before he sets out to leave. Se Heon stops him from leaving and asks him to explain his unreasonable behavior in the piano room and his subsequent lack of concern after. Tae Yi simply answers that he doesn’t like hearing how Se Heon plays. Tae Yi dares Se Heon to play if he insists that he just doesn’t know how to listen to music. Tae Yi impatiently waits on the side as Se Heon contemplates what to play, assuming that the former might not like jazz. To his surprise, Tae Yi tells him to just play a piece that he is confident with, making him play ‘My Foolish Heart’, which ironically is a piece that Tae Joon has always played before. Instead of complimenting Se Heon, who is relieved to have completed the song, Tae Yi states that he has confirmed that he really hates how the former plays before he leaves the piano room. 

Upon reaching home, Tae Yi catches a photo of him and Tae Joon smiling so wide and finally admits to himself that, contrary to what he said, he actually wanted to hear more of Se Heon playing the piano. The following day, Se Heon does not go to school, and Do Yoon catches Tae Yi glancing at the unoccupied seat every now and then, although the latter refuses to admit it. Tae Yi then decides to go back to the piano room and hears someone playing. To his surprise, he finds Se Heon and Joo Ha sitting so close beside him in front of the piano, with Joo Ha insisting to check on the former’s injury and his other hand wrapped around the other’s waist. 


Writer’s Thoughts

Love for Love’s Sake‘ marked the successful beginning of KBLs this year, and now we have an adaptation that has the potential to win over every viewer’s heart!  From the same production company as ‘A Shoulder to Cry On’, and with another member of Omega X in a supporting role, it’s no wonder that our beloved Da Yeol and Tae Hyun make an appearance in the pilot episodes! As readers of the written version, we can’t help but be relieved with how the web drama adaptation has turned out, and although Se Heon and Tae Yi have started on the wrong foot, the hate troupe does make a huge factor in their chemistry that transcends through our screens! Not to mention that just like what the kids usually say, “It’s giving!” Do Yoon and Joo Ha’s strained relationship also give us that impression. You really must tune in every Tuesday on GagaOOLala because we are eager to see what more will happen in the next episodes of ‘Jazz for Two’!



The Mission to Happiness Begins in ‘Love for Love’s Sake’ Episode 1-2


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