Re-Establishing Connection Begins in ‘Love Class 2’ EPs 3-4

As the two saw each other again, Lee Hyun was eager to be a part of Kim An’s life again. But Kim An’s past is hunting him, and he’s afraid that it will affect his re-establishing a connection with him. Will Lee Hyun accept what has happened to him in the past? Let’s find out in the third and fourth episodes of ‘Love Class 2.’

WARNING: Spoiler alert! Read at your own risk.


Episode 3.

Lee Hyun was shocked when he saw Ma Ru in front of his door. He thought he would go to Min Woo’s house, but the latter says he’s giving him the honor of taking care of him that night. Ma Ru admits that he went to Min Woo’s house and turned back because he was afraid he wouldn’t open the door, but he says that they both know that Min Woo is always like that. While lying in bed, Lee Hyun can’t help but ask him about what he heard earlier. The latter says that the police came to their school that day because someone pushed his friend off the roof. He pretends not to know when he asks him if he knows the guy. Ma Ru asks him if he wants him to do some digging about what happened, but he refuses.

Ma Ru asks him if he’s noticed anything different about Min Woo, but he tells him he’s always been the same. The latter says he seems different to him because he became cold. Lee Hyun told him that if he feels that way, then so be it, and it was not like they know what was going on inside his head. The latter says that Min Woo is harder to read than him, and he says it’s because he has more interest in Min Woo than him. He asked him if it’s harder to read when you’re interested, and he says the more interest you have, the harder it is to judge only what you see. The next day, they went to school together, and when Lee Hyun asked him to get coffee, he refused, and he told him that he was out on a mission.

Ma Ru went to the cafe where Min Woo has a part-time job. He started his so-called mission by annoying Min Woo’s manager. He plugged in all his gadgets and used too much electricity from the cafe. The manager noticed it and told him that he uses so much electricity. When the manager told him he couldn’t do that, he shouted out loud that everyone in the cafe couldn’t use electricity, which is why some of the customers went away. He ordered his favorite drink, and the staff was stunned because he couldn’t understand what flavor he was ordering. Ma Ru gave him a sarcastic smile, meaning mission accomplished. At school, Lee Hyun treated Sung Min to coffee as a sign of gratitude for what he did last time. He also took a chance to ask him if he heard the rumors about Kim An, and Sung Min said that even if he heard about them, a rumor is just a rumor.

Joo Hyuk bought a cup of coffee for Sung Min, but when he saw the two talking, he just drank the coffee and walked away. Lee Hyun is still curious about what happened two years ago, so he continued searching for information about it on the internet. But little did he know that Kim An was watching him from afar. In their ‘Marriage and Family’ class, they are asked to present their assignment. Lee Hyun told their professor that it seems that he did his assignment wrong, but the latter says it was fine. As he reads his observation about him, he says he brought him to the library, and it’s so quiet that he can’t ask him questions. The face that he had missed for a long time was right there in front of him. And as he looked at him, he remembered the old days, thought of the past, and asked himself if he had changed. But still, he believes that it’s time that changed, not the person. And in Kim An’s time, he lost two years and a few months, and he is wearing the face of lost time.

Lee Hyun’s words were emotional, while Kim An’s observation was simple. He just described his appearance, and he told them that he draws. Joo Hyuk happily walks down the hall, holding a gift. Meanwhile, Sung Min is chatting with a co-worker when the latter knocks on their door. Joo Hyuk gave him the gift and went away. His colleague opens the gift, and they are surprised when they see a set of different-colored underwear. Sung Min got embarrassed after reading what he wrote on the card. In their class, their professor gave them another assignment. Lee Hyun and Kim An presented their special assignments and gave their speeches to each other. Lee Hyun says that he wants him to stop being mean to him and that he should answer his calls. Kim An says it was his fault, and he says sorry.

After class, Ma Ru saw him and Kim An in the hall. He told him that he heard that Kim An is partnered up with a freshman, and he feels bad for that guy. Lee Hyun looked at him and whispered that he was the guy. The latter became confused as he pulled him away. Someone posted a note on Kim An’s locker saying, ‘Did you miss me? ‘ He was shocked at first, but he just threw it away. That night, the two walk home together, and they talk about their presentation earlier. Kim An noticed that he seemed to focus on his electives, and he said that he was still a freshman and he wanted to gain more knowledge, but the latter told him that time flies faster than he thinks. He also said that he was forced to make hobbies, and he asked him to go make a new one.

They played basketball, and Lee Hyun felt happy seeing Kim An smile after shooting the ball. They lay down on the court after playing. Kim An looks at him with a gleam in his eyes while he captures the night sky. He told him that he forgot to film him while playing, and the latter says he can do it next time. Lee Hyun says that he likes that there will be a next time. The latter told him that he doesn’t understand why he was doing everything, and he says it was because they had a past. When Kim An asks him if the past is important to him, he asks him back if the rumors about him are true. Kim An stood up and told him that he should just look into the more serious things that he had done. But he says that he wanted to know what happened in the past two years. He says that maybe he doesn’t like him anymore, but Lee Hyun doesn’t believe him. He walked away, and he told him to answer his calls.

Min Woo saw Ma Ru waiting outside his house. Ma Ru told him that he was having trouble quitting his job because of his parents. He showed him the video of his parents telling him that they would abandon him if he quit his job. Min Woo told him that his parents would soon understand him, and when he tried to caress her hair, Ma Ru moved and held his hand, asking him to move in with him. He promised to pay half of the rent, and the latter agreed. While walking home, Lee Hyun receives a text from Kim An saying he went home safely and he doesn’t need to call him. He simply said goodnight to him and told himself that it was fine the way it is.

The episode ends with a flashback to their past when Kim An is waiting for him outside his apartment. He told him that his parents are getting divorced, and he hates his dad for having an affair. He asks him about his parents, and the latter says that they died when he was young, which is why he was a bit jealous of him. He assures him that he doesn’t have to worry because he will help him along the way.

Episode 4.

The next day, Min Woo woke up alone in his bed. He looked for Ma Ru, but he didn’t answer. He was imagining touching Ma Ru’s arms while lying in his bed when suddenly the door opened and the latter went in. He was shocked and asked him where he went, and the latter said that he just bought breakfast. He told him to eat a lot because they had a mission to accomplish. Min Woo went to the cafe and saw his coworker hiding under the counter. The latter asks him if Ma Ru will come that day, and he says he doesn’t know. The door opens, and he hides again, but it was just Lee Hyun who came in. He offered a coffee for him too so they could drink together, but Min Woo says it’s on him. He told him that he went to another cafe because Ma Ru didn’t want him to come to their cafe. Min Woo confessed to him that the latter is now living with him because he got kicked out for quitting his job.

Min Woo says that he wonders why Ma Ru always comes to him, even though he knows Lee Hyun lives alone too. He says he also wonders why, but he’s not upset that they get along. He asks him to come over and hang out with them. A moment later, he told him that he had finally found Kim An and that he would introduce him once. At school, Joo Hyuk saw Sung Min talking to a man. After the man went away, he came to him and greeted him. He was supposed to look in his underwear, but the latter slapped his hand and said that his hands seemed lost, but he told him that they were heading towards the right destination. Sung Min told him that underwear was an inappropriate gift from a student, and he would give it back. And because many people are watching them, Joo Hyuk asks him to meet him outside the campus. And if he would not come, he threatened that he would post what he saw that day on the community board.

For their homework, Lee Hyun drew Kim An. The latter got conscious and told him he didn’t want to do it anymore. So he said that once he was done drawing, they could do other things as a hobby for him. Kim An told him that they were on campus and not in the park, so he stood up and went away. The two went to the rooftop, and Lee Hyun told him that he’d never been on that rooftop. They enjoyed their time together by playing, taking pictures of each other, and setting up a picnic. He continued his drawing while Kim An was just staring at him and feeding him a sandwich.

Ma Ru stayed at the cafe, and Min Woo gave him a pastry because he noticed that he was getting bored. The latter asks him when his manager will come back when suddenly the door opens and his manager comes in. Ma Ru silently sneaks out, and when he comes back, he is holding a bouquet and a microphone. The manager was shocked when he started singing for him. Out of embarrassment, Min Woo pulled him away. He was so embarrassed by what he did, and the latter says that he did that because his manager always bullies him. Out of anger, Min Woo called him a slut. Lee Hyun and Kim An fell asleep on the rooftop. Lee Hyun wakes him up so he won’t be late for his meeting. Before they went out, he asked him if he was scared of being on the rooftop with him.

Lee Hyun told him that until he tells him the truth, he’ll consider rumors to be only rumors. And he will just consider it a special day because Kim An brought him to his hideout. That night, Lee Hyun bumped into a guy at their campus who knew Kim An. They talk for a while, and the man asks him if he noticed something about him. When he says no, the man tells him about Kim An’s past. He told him that Kim An had been a host in a club before, and he had an affair with a professor, and the professor resigned. He continued by saying that people love to gossip, but no one wants to be a bad guy, so they leave some details, and he told him that he should at least know what everybody knows. He bids goodbye to the man, saying he has other plans.

Joo Hyuk felt relieved when he saw Sung Min at the pub. They ate, drank, and had a chitchat that made them laugh. They had a good time that night. Ma Ru went home drunk from Min Woo’s apartment. He told him that he should apologize to him for calling him a slut earlier, and the latter says sorry. He forgives him and tells him that even if he does that again, he will always forgive him because they were best friends. When Ma Ru fell asleep, Min Woo couldn’t help but kiss him on the lips. The episode ends with a flashback of Kim An and Lee Hyun’s tutorial session. Lee Hyun put his head on his shoulder, and a moment later, they were looking at each other.

It looks like a lot has happened to Kim An in the past, and little by little, Lee Hyun knows everything. Sung Min and Joo Hyuk are finally getting along; will this be the start of another romantic relationship? And now that Min Woo kissed Ma Ru while he was asleep, will he be brave enough to admit to him that he likes him? Let’s all catch up on the next few episodes of ‘Love Class 2’.


Watch ‘Love Class 2’ on GagaOOLala.



A New Semester Begins in ‘Love Class 2’ EPs 1-2


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