PLOT: Set in the 1990s, a young gay couple attempt to build a relationship during a time of heightened homophobia.
On other hand, actor Steven David Lim from “Getaway” has been confirmed as part of the cast. And for aspirant actors, here are the 4 speaking roles open for auditionees:
1. MARCUS: Aged 20 – 35 / Chinese / Lead role
Extroverted, cheeky and a bit of a dreamer, Marcus is a hopeless romantic who gives his all in relationships.
Steven David Lim plays the older version of Marcus so the ideal candidate should bear a passing resemblance to Steven.
2. HASSIM: Aged 20 – 35 / Any race / Lead role
Grounded and practical, Hassim starts to lose faith in his relationship admist an increasingly homophobic climate.
3. ZACH: Aged 20 – 30 / Any race / Support role
Outgoing and confident, Zach has a thing for older men.
4. CHEE KEONG: Aged 30 – 65 / Chinese / Support role
Fierce and intimidating, Chee Keong is a homophobic Ah Beng. Fluency in Hokkien is ideal.
In addition, the audition opens for extras for anyone, regardless of age, gender, and sexual orientation. Here are the non-speaking roles they are looking for:
- Heterosexual family with kid(s)
- Same-sex couple(s)
- Jogger
- Seniors
- LGBTQIA+ individuals
For further information regarding its cast audition, visit Dear Straight People.