‘The New Employee’, a BL web drama series based on a web novel of the same title, follows the romance between virgin intern Woo Seunghyun (Moon Jiyong) and his cold but handsome boss Kim Jongchan (Kwon Hyuk). It is still ongoing with five of its eight episodes out, and we think its feel-good appeal is its greatest charm!
In this recap, we list down the cutest moments of each ‘The New Employee’ episode we have so far. If you haven’t started watching yet, read on ‘cause this might make you tune into it!
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Read at your own risk!
Episode 1: Whipped and (Potentially) Simping
‘The New Employee’ starts off cute and light with a tinge of the daunting feel of Korean corporate culture. But that intimidating vibe makes a good background because it helps the small and adorable moments easily stand out! Like that part where Seunghyun stares at his boss — he seemingly couldn’t get his eyes off him — and thinks that Jongchan is good-looking, realizing shortly, with both hands on his mouth, that he’s speaking his thoughts out loud!
It’s a short but awkwardly funny scene, establishing Seunghyun’s innocence and endearing naivety, but also sets the comic cuteness of the whole show — important for a pilot episode.
It’s alright Seunghyun. We feel you.
Episode 2 – Recognition and Appreciation
At this point, it’s virtually clear that Seunghyun harbors a growing crush on his boss. It doesn’t help that Jongchan chooses to work with him in a huge ad project after seeing his potential. Although proud and excited, Seunghyun, being new to the corporate world, questions why he’s the pick. Jongchan gets a little vague, saying “Because it’s you, Seunghyun,” followed by an assurance that they will work well together.
Surprisingly, that’s enough for Seunghyun to get his confidence back. He felt really good that watching him basking in those words of affirmation not only looked adorable but also felt relatable! It’s good to know that your boss finally values you and your worth, but it’s extra special when it also comes from your crush. A double whammy of feelings, right?
This web drama may be about office romance, but it is the real human experiences we both know and desire that make this show connect with us.
Episode 3 – Cold Outside, Sweet Inside
The pacing gets a bit faster in this episode, and it includes a massively major scene that even with spoiler warnings, we ought to opt out of talking about it here. (Just see it for yourself!) Still, it’s full of a barrage of tummy butterflies, and the cutest of all is awarded to this episode’s ending. After all that’s happened between the two, Jongchan retains his cold, indifferent attitude, puts up a still professional look as he calls Seunghyun to list down his tasks, and segues to a sudden movie date invitation!
We’re not even gonna lie, Jongchan was really, really smooth there, and we’re living for it!
Episode 4 – Meow!
We’ll get straight to the point: Kim Jongchan owns a cat. Yes. Our favorite workaholic boss is a fur dad to a white, meowing fluff ball!
As to why Seunghyun is in Jongchan’s (posh) apartment, it’s for you to find out!
Episode 5 – Love Wins
Misunderstandings are normal in any relationship, but confronting and admitting your mistakes can be uncomfortable. Thankfully, Jongchan and Seunghyun manage to get it all patched up with a beautiful ending. But the sweetest part of this episode is not exactly how they made up. It’s actually a small remark made by a passing old-aged stranger when he finds Jongchan and Seunghyun hugging sweetly by the road:
“Gosh, how cute!”
In our world where same-sex love is still not fully accepted, to hear a positive reaction like that, especially from people of the older generation, is so validating and heart-warming!
And that’s a recap of what we have so far for ‘The New Employee’! Five episodes in, three more to go. We’re so excited to see how it will go for our newest favorite workplace couple! Hwaiting, Seunghyun and Jongchan!