The Beat of Jealousy and Developing Feelings is Loud in ‘Jazz for Two’ Episodes 3-4

Despite coming from a family of classical musicians, Se Heon enrolls at Wooyeon Arts School to become the first jazz pianist. There, he finds an old piano room and grows to love it. But his joy is short-lived as Tae Yi, a classmate who majors in trumpet, for some reason rudely prevents him from entering the piano room. See this BLTai recap to find out what happens next in ‘Jazz for Two’!

Warning: Spoiler alert. Read at your own risk.

Episode 3: I Didn’t Know About You

Se Heon goes to the piano room and practices even with injured wrists. He is taken aback when Joo Ha shows up and strikes up a cordial conversation, introducing himself and telling Se Heon to call him Hyung. Se Heon is asked if he is good at playing the piano by Joo Ha, who then takes the seat next to him. He hesitantly responds that he doesn’t think so. When Joo Ha asks him what genre he plays, Se Heon confesses to enjoying jazz and gets happy when the latter says he does too. Se Heon shares that he went to school expecting to find others who were similar to him, but instead he made no friends at all. Joo Ha shrugs when Se Heon asks which piece he prefers, telling him to play his favorite instead. Se Heon notices as he plays that Joo Ha seems to be getting closer to him until there is no more room between them, but he tries to ignore it and carry on. Tae Yi decides to go check on the room where he finds Se Heon and Joo Ha sitting so close together after hearing the piano outside the building. Joo Ha ignores how uncomfortable he is making Se Heon feel and holds his injured hand tightly after insisting on seeing it. Joo Ha remarks on Se Heon’s abilities and says that he can still play well even though he is injured after noticing Tae Yi staring at them heavily. Joo Ha then asks Se Heon what piece he played, but before he can respond, Tae Yi says, “It’s called Sasquatch,” which makes Joo Ha laugh and remarks that the two must have a lot of chemistry, as he had anticipated. Joo Ha gives Se Heon a gentle pat on the arm before leaving the room, telling him to play for him again later. Joo Ha says that he finds Se Heon fascinating and comments that he can see why he seems to have caught Tae Yi’s attention. He continues that even if Tae Yi lies to him, his eyes look like he is willing to take Se Heon away from Joo Ha at any time. Not wanting to entertain the provoking, Tae Yi sets out to leave, but Joo Ha grabs him by the shoulder and whispers something to his ears, but he remains unfazed. Later that evening, as he practices, Se Heon’s mind keeps on replaying how Tae Yi’s eyes look furious from the encounter earlier and wonders about the reason behind it. The following day, he runs into the female student he bumped into on his first day, who turns out to be Joo Hee and ends up agreeing to call Tae Yi for her. Inside their classroom, Se Heon tells Tae Yi, who is currently with Do Yoon, that his girlfriend Joo Hee is waiting for her outside. Tae Yi immediately gets up and goes outside; meanwhile, Do Yoon drags Se Heon to further ask how he knew Joo Hee. Se Heon admits that Joo Hee didn’t say that she was Tae Yi’s girlfriend, and it’s just his guess as she looked like one. Do Yoon explains that Joo Hee is Joo Ha’s younger sister who likes Tae Yi, but she isn’t his type, prompting Se Heon to ask what Tae Yi’s type is. Do Yoon teases Se Heon for being curious about Tae Yi’s type, which earns him an immediate denial from the latter. 

On the other hand, Joo Hee gives the chocolates that she made, and although Tae Yi accepts them, he also tells her straight away not to come to their classroom as he doesn’t want to be misunderstood. Meanwhile, Do Yoon tells Se Heon not to get involved with Joo Ha as he has a complex relationship with Tae Yi. For some reason, this made Se Heon assume that Tae Yi must like Joo Ha romantically; hence, he is avoiding Joo Hee but keeps the thought to himself. The teacher informs the class that their task is to form an ensemble which will be part of their grades. Se Heon, who hasn’t made any friends yet, becomes worried and tries to join groups but is constantly rejected. Do Yoon mentions wanting to invite Se Heon into a group as he has noticed him having a hard time, but Tae Yi immediately tells him no, making Do Yoon notice that Tae Yi seems to be reactive when it comes to Se Heon. In the end, Tae Yi tells Do Yoon to just pair up with Se Heon if he wants to. After leaving Do Yoon, Tae Yi waits for Se Heon to arrive at the entrance of the building to tell him not to go back there anymore. Se Heon questions Tae Yi’s temperamental mood about him coming back to the piano room and stands firm that he will go there as he wants to. He guesses that it must have been because of Tae Yi’s crush on Joo Ha and says it out loud, but the latter tells him that it’s nonsense and calls him hopeless. In the piano room, Se Heon finds Joo Ha in front of the piano, who then asks him why he seems to be bothered and offers to listen. Se Heon confesses about his ensemble problem, and Joo Ha tells him that he can introduce him to his friends on the weekend. He also tells him to dress nicely to make a good impression. 

The weekend comes, and Joo Ha texts Se Heon to meet him at karaoke, where he becomes excited at the thought of meeting new people. However, his excitement dies immediately after he sees the room with only Joo Ha, Joo Hee, and Tae Yi. Joo Ha takes him to the seat beside him, becomes touchy with him the whole time, and says in front of everyone that Se Heon dressed attractively and must have liked him a lot, even if Joo Hee herself raises how Se Heon seems to be uncomfortable with the attention. Finally, Tae Yi drags Se Heon outside, inquiring furiously why he came there, given his obvious discomfort with Joo Ha’s interactions. Se Heon gets hurt by how Tae Yi has called him dumb and an idiot for staying still in his seat and ends up exclaiming that Joo Ha is better than Tae Yi, who is always moody and angry. He also questions why Tae Yi is also there, but the latter is unable to answer. He continues that he doesn’t understand Tae Yi’s intention towards him, Joo Ha, and Joo Hee, but to his surprise, Tae Yi pins him to the wall and tells him that it’s all because of him. They are interrupted when Joo Ha arrives and innocently asks if Tae Yi is bullying Se Heon. He even offers to hit Tae Yi if needed, but Se Heon says that nothing is going on. After Se Heon leaves, Joo Ha tells Tae Yi that, just like he said before, he will make him feel like trash no matter what. In the end, Tae Yi leaves, and so does Joo Hee, who becomes annoyed with his brother. Se Heon also tells Joo Ha that he needs to go home now, and the latter offers to at least walk him to the station. Outside, they didn’t notice Do Yoon, who then followed them. Joo Ha asks Se Heon what he and Tae Yi talked about, but the latter remains silent, making Joo Ha suddenly act aggressively and forcing Se Heon to answer. Se Heon says that he is uncomfortable with how he is being forced to talk, but Joo Ha mocks him by saying that he seems to like it. As Se Heon gets more scared of how Joo Ha is acting, Do Yoon gets in between and tells Joo Ha to stop. He then tells Se Heon to get home before facing the furious Joo Ha again. Joo Ha argues with Do Yoon, who tells him that he isn’t that kind of person and that he can see right through him. Joo Ha reminds Do Yoon of all the times that he has hit him before and asks him if he wants another beating. He then grabs Do Yoon’s collar to punch him but gets dumbfounded when Do Yoon suddenly kisses him.


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Episode 4: Alone Together

Joo Ha punches Do Yoon after getting over the shock, reminding the latter of the time when he was bullied back then and Joo Ha was the one who helped him. Do Yoon remember that as the beginning of his love for Joo Ha? From then on, he tries to get close to him and even becomes interested in playing basketball. However, Joo Ha finds out that Tae Yi rejected Joo Hee’s confession and begins to bully him; however, since Tae Yi is not afraid to fight back, Joo Ha resorts to bullying Do Yoon instead. Do Yoon tries to bury his feelings for Joo Ha but is unable to; he always comes back to the memory of the latter extending his hand to him the first time that he helped him. 

Back to the present, Se Heon notices the wound on Do Yoon’s face, who lies that it was an injury from basketball. Do Yoon asks Se Heon why he was with Joo Ha, which ends up with him opening up about their encounter in the piano room and how he was roped into going to the karaoke to find members for the ensemble? Do Yoon also tell Se Heon that Tae Yi must have dragged him out and prevented him from coming back to the piano room to protect him from Joo Ha? He also advises him to apologize. Se Heon, on the other hand, is hesitant, as he has never had an encounter with Tae Yi on good terms. Meanwhile, Tae Yi finishes his therapy, where he opens up about having frequent dreams about his late brother. The therapist asks him what he feels about it, and Tae Yi ends up saying that a new classmate in the class, Se Heon, reminds him so much of Tae Joon. Tae Yi becomes defensive when the therapist asks what he feels towards Se Heon and questions if there is any specific feeling he should be having, but instead, the therapist gives him his medication and a reminder not to rely on sleeping pills too much. Do Yoon invites Se Heon to form a group for the ensemble, although the latter worries if he will be accepted by Tae Yi, whom they noticed was absent that morning. After Do Yoon leaves, Se Heon sees Tae Yi arriving and musters the courage to approach him to apologize. Before he can finally say sorry, Tae Yi tells Se Heon to follow him, and they end up in the place where everything started, the piano room. Although worried that they will fight again, Se Heon comes in and adheres to Tae Yi, who asks him to play any piece that he likes while he sits on the floor. As Se Heon plays another song that ironically reminds him again of his late brother, Tae Yi closes his eyes and falls asleep. Se Heon takes a long look at Tae Yi’s face and wonders what the latter is up to and what he meant when he said everything was because of him during their argument. Admittedly, Se Heon finds curiosity in himself about finding out more about Tae Yi. When Tae Yi wakes up, he finds himself alone in the room until Se Heon arrives with drinks in his hands. The two begin a cordial conversation, and Se Heon takes the chance to apologize for assuming things between Tae Yi and Joo Ha. He also admits that he has realized that it was Joo Ha who was the bad guy, and he understands that Tae Yi dragged him out to save him. Se Heon becomes frustrated when Tae Yi remains silent and seems not to acknowledge his apologies. To his surprise, the latter tells him that if he has time to think about many things, he should use that time instead to practice. He admits that it was his first time playing jazz, as he usually just imagines doing it. He also shares that his father has never allowed him to play anything except classical music. Tae Yi comments that it is obvious and notes that Se Heon appears to be afraid to make a mistake, hence his unnatural stance. He further adds that he can feel it in how Se Heon plays, catching him off guard. 

Later that evening, Tae Yi resorts to sleeping pills once again as he wants to not think about the questions his therapist asked him about Se Heon but still finds sleep difficult to catch. Do Yoon tells Se Heon that Tae Yi refuses to join their ensemble, but he manages to convince Jungyu, a classmate of theirs, to join them instead. Eager to begin their practice, Se Heon lies that he has experience in making a score and has done an ensemble before. Tae Yi, on the other hand, felt sick due to having no sleep and was found to have passed out in the school halfway, resulting in missing two days of school in a row. Do Yoon suggests that they visit Tae Yi after he notices Se Heon worried, although the latter tries to do so nonchalantly. The two set out to visit Tae Yi’s house, as Do Yoon remembers; however, they end up getting lost as he cannot recall the address. On their final stop around the neighborhood, Do Yoon finally remembers the house but gets an urgent text message, prompting him to leave Se Heon alone with the passcode to Tae Yi’s house. Although nervous, worry prevails, and Se Heon decides to continue even without Do Yoon. He finds the house silent until he hears a weak but familiar voice asking for his identity coming from one of the rooms. To his surprise, a weak Tae Yi, who did not recognize him immediately, still managed to push him to the floor and get on top of him.


Writer’s Thoughts:

With the episodes this week, a lot has happened. To start with, Joo Ha is very cruel for putting Se Heon and Tae Yi in awkward situations to fulfill his younger sister’s wishes! Not to add, Joo Hee, the party in question, thinks her brother’s actions are unacceptable. Second, even though we kind of expected Joo Ha and Do Yoon’s romance, the flashbacks of the latter beating him up after being his hero at first leave us with conflicted emotions. All we can do is hope that Joo Ha has more opportunities to prove himself in the upcoming episodes. Finally, what makes us giddy is the denied jealousy that Tae Yi and Se Heon have for one another shown in silent actions and inquisitive questions. With the hate starting to get buried and the two getting to know each other on a personal level, we just know that we are out to get heartwarming scenes on the next ones. Stay tuned as we can’t wait to see how the music will continue to flow in ‘Jazz for Two

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The Melody of an Unfortunate First Encounter Opens in ‘Jazz for Two’ Episodes 1-2


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