Sleep With Me is a Pinoy (Philippine) GL series that revolves around Harry (played by Janine Gutierrez) a wheelchair-bound radio DJ and Luna (played by Lovi Poe) who suffers from a rare sleeping disorder.
As this is the first series for Lovi and Janine, and the show is already over. Let’s recapitulate the nocturnal love story of two night owls in this six-episode masterpiece.
SPOILER ALERT! This is a recap, so we’ll have an almost detailed rundown of each episode. Proceed with caution if you haven’t seen the show yet!
Episode 1.
Luna, who suffers from a rare sleeping disorder, broke up with her boyfriend. While Harry, a wheelchair-bound radio DJ gave love advice every night in her midnight radio segment entitled Sleep With Me.
After her ex-boyfriend returns all her things and asks for another chance, Luna realizes it’s really over between them. Disappointed Luna, she drove to a bar to spend her lonely night. As she is set to drink, the bartender notices that she came alone. Not the usual 8 times she came with a date. As her drinking goes on, out of the blue she asks the bartender if she’s difficult to be with. Joy, the bartender points out that Luna thinks she needs to protect other people because of her condition or she needs to protect herself. So, she’s sticking to people where she can’t feel anything.
After drinking, Luna went to her go-to convenience store for her noodles-coffee night routine. There she met, Wendy, the night shift cashier who is listening to Harry’s radio segment. While listening, Wendy joins the segment contest and won, but unfortunately, she can’t leave the store to get her prize so she went to Luna and asked if she can get it for her. Luna, who can’t decline, agreed to go to the station for Wendy. There, for the first time. She met DJ Harry.
The first episode gave us the life story if night owl people. One is awake at night because of work. While the other one is awake because of a disorder. But one thing is common among them. Broken hearts are heard at night.