We would like to inform you that our artists’ safety and privacy is of utmost importance to us. In light of recent events where some fans have given gifts to our artists and then demand them back, we would like to remind our fans of our gift-giving policy.
We reserve the right to return any gift received on behalf of our artists. We ensure that every gift we receive on behalf of the artists is delivered to them. We understand that all gifts given to our artists are from the heart and with no expectations or conditions attached.
We urge our fans to refrain from visiting the company premises outside the specified date and time for sending gifts. This is due to the fact that the company is a personal space where our artists and teams are constantly at work. Security is extremely important to us, and we are obliged to keep our workplace safe and secure.
Furthermore, we would like to remind you that trespassing on another person’s property without permission is an offense and is punishable by law. Trespassing can lead to serious consequences, legal issues and can also be considered harassment. We strongly advise our fans to avoid engaging in any activities that may cause harm to our artists or other individuals.
Your cooperation and understanding in this matter are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
Be On Cloud Co., Ltd.