In the upcoming episodes of ‘Love Class 2‘, viewers can expect Lee Hyun and Kim An to grow closer, Joo Hyuk and Sungmin to deal with the aftermath of their one-night stand, and Min Woo’s scheme to spark jealousy in Ma Roo.
In the recently released highlight video from the official account, things get pretty intense between Joo Hyuk and Sungmin after they hook up following a night of drinking. The next day, Joo Hyuk goes after Sungmin to talk about what happened since Sungmin left without a word. Sungmin acknowledges that he believed it was mutual between them, despite being tipsy, and Joo Hyuk agrees that he enjoyed it too. Lee Hyun and Kim An’s next task is to meet each other’s friends. Just like always, Lee Hyun walks Kim An home and once inside discovers an old friend from his past, one he prefers to avoid. Deciding to leave, Kim An is surprised to find Lee Hyun still outside, waiting until his light goes off. He decides to ask if he can crash at Lee Hyun’s place. Things are still complicated between Min Woo and Ma Roo and the presence of Sarah, a girl Min Woo has met and who volunteered in the plan to make Ma Roo jealous, will make it even more complex with her agenda of pursuing Min Woo. Will Ma Roo end up feeling jealous?
Watch the highlight video below for the two episodes that will air this week: