The newest Korean BL, “The Eighth Sense” is now streaming!
“The Eight Sense” is an ongoing ten-episode drama series created by Baek In Woo and Werner du Plessis, which stars Lim Ji Sub from ‘Love Revolution’ and up-and-coming actor, Oh Jun Taek. The series revolves around two young men who coincidentally met at a restaurant and later on the university campus — experiencing romance and confusion in both life and love.
The first two episodes were released on March 29th, which showed us interesting pacing, built-up for each character, decent run-time (approximately 30 to 45 minutes per episode), excellent cinematography, a fantastic choice of soundtracks, together with the actors’ acting and oozing chemistry that shows mesmerizing tension between them. In addition, the directors shared a playlist of songs that were used as inspiration for creating this masterpiece — and you can tell that will lead us to a rollercoaster ride of emotions as the story unfolds in the following episodes. To sum up, it’s worth checking out and is a highly recommended series!