W-30 Original Drama “Love Hotel: Himitsu” revealed its final episode cast and will feature gay couple characters.
“Love Hotel: Himitsu (Secret)” is a mature-comedy drama set in a love hotel, an “ultimate closet”, highly secretive, and confidential that anyone can’t think of anywhere else. The drama revolves around the characters’ happiness and sorrow in one situation. Director Akiko Oku (Tremble All You Want) is in-charge in both directing and screenwriting for “Diversity Love Hotel” and “Oh, Love Hotel”.
Watch its official teaser here:
🏩最終話 大九明子監督回🏩
最終話を締めくくるラストシーンに注目👀#WOWOW #ああラブホテル pic.twitter.com/EfhpGh4LgS— WOWOWオリジナルドラマ (@drama_wowow) April 11, 2023