The fifth episode of ‘Minato’s Laundromat 2’ introduces a new character in the mix!
After the misunderstanding from last week is cleared up, a new character named Kirihara, who is Shin’s teacher, is introduced this week. His appearance will likely have an impact on Minato and Shin’s relationship, possibly serving as a consultant to Shin but due to Minato’s nature, could he potentially stir another misunderstanding? Meanwhile, Shuu continues to struggle with his newfound feelings for Asuka, seeking advice from Shin about his heartache, and Shin shares that he also experienced similar feelings with Minato before. Shuu’s confusion about his emotions leads to unintentionally hurting Asuka. But there is hope, as Shuu’s feelings may eventually become mutual. In that case, could we expect Shuu to pursue Asuka this time instead? Both couples are still navigating the early stages of their relationships, which can be messy. What other obstacles will the two couples face in the upcoming episodes?
Here are the photos the official account for ‘Minato’s Laundromat 2’ released for Episode 5:
Watch the preview for the next episode below:
/#みなと商事コインランドリー 2
第5話 8/2(水)深夜24:30放送🌻
引き続きごひいきにー!🧺🫧— みなと商事コインランドリー2【ドラマ公式】 (@tx_minasho) July 27, 2023