Following the announcement of its third installment, ‘VIP Only’ revealed its official trailer on its social media accounts!
The newly released trailer begins with Liu Li (Xuan Chen), a gay novelist named “Maurice,” whose novel draft he wrote got rejected. He later got advice from Gu Jing (Stan Huang), his neighbor who runs a noodle shop, to look for a person to be his character reference for his third novel. However, rather than doing observation, he must experience it. So, Liu Li asked him to be that person, and Gu Jing accepted it. Although he has never been in real love, many ideas have appeared in his mind.
The next scene panned to Gu Jing’s friend, who piqued their curiosity and directly asked why he accepted Liu Li’s offer. What is the reason behind this? After observing and experiencing “love” with each other, what would be their relationship now?
Check out the trailer here: