Sono Shunta and Fujimoto Kodai will be joining the upcoming series premiering on September 19!
Nagai Saburo’s manga, ‘Smells Like Green Spirit’ follows follows Mishima, a student living in a remote countryside who is bullied by his classmates because he “seemed gay.” In reality, Mishima does like men, but his only escape is secretly dressing up as a woman. One day, Mishima discovers Kirino, the leader of the bullying group, trying to apply Mishima’s lost lipstick. The manga depicts the serious inner conflicts of male students as they struggle to look for a place in this world where they can be their “true selves”. Previously, Araki Towa was announced to be one of the leads who will be playing the main character, Mishima.
It has been announced that Sono Shunta from the group M! LK and Fujimoto Kodai will be joining the upcoming adaptation. Sono Shunta, known for his supporting roles in the BL drama ‘Sahara Sensei and Toki-kun’ and ‘Cosmetic Playlover’, will play the character Makoto Kirino. Makoto is the leader of the group that bullies Mishima but one day, he tries to put lipstick that Mishima dropped on his lips.
原作 #永井三郎 ファン待望の映像化!
ドラマ #スメルズライクグリーンスピリット“本当の自分”を隠して学校生活を送っている
リーダー・桐野マコト役を務めた#曽野舜太 さんからコメントが到着✨9.19 START #ドラマフィル #SLGS
— 📺『三ツ矢先生の計画的な餌付け。』&🔜『スメルズライクグリーンスピリット』【ドラマフィル公式】 (@dramaphil_mbs) August 30, 2024
Fujimoto Kodai will be playing the character Yumeno Taro, the class mood maker who belongs to the basketball club and is harsh towards Mishima.
原作 #永井三郎 ファン待望の映像化!
ドラマ #スメルズライクグリーンスピリットバスケ部に所属するクラスのムードメーカー
夢野太郎役を務めた#藤本洸大 さんからコメントが到着✨9.19 START #ドラマフィル #SLGS
— 📺『三ツ矢先生の計画的な餌付け。』&🔜『スメルズライクグリーンスピリット』【ドラマフィル公式】 (@dramaphil_mbs) August 30, 2024